Mesterklasse 2016 -1 dag om PTSD og traumebehandling hos børn - Dr. Patrick Smith
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Dato og tid
Tirsdag d. 8. marts 2016 kl. 09:00 til 15:30
Onsdag d. 2. marts 2016 kl. 12:00
CEKTOS - København,
Borgergade 28, 5. sal,
1300 København K
CEKTOS - København
Borgergade 28, 5. sal
1300 København K
Mesterklasse 2016 -1 dag om PTSD og traumebehandling hos børn - Dr. Patrick Smith
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1 dages workshop ved Dr. Patrick Smith, Kings College
I løbet af de to dage (6 lektioner) vil Psykolog Dr. Patrick Smith fra Kings College undervise i PTSD og traumebehandling af børn ved hjælp af kognitiv terapi (KAT / CBT)
8. marts: Patrick Smith
fra kl. 09.00 - 15.30
Mesterklassen er godkendt af Dansk Psykologforening og kan godkendes af Lægeforeningen.
Mere om Patrick Smith:
Patrick Smith is a Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology at the Institute of Psychiatry King’s College London (, and Honorary Consultant Clinical Psychologist at the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. He works in a long-established NHS Child Traumatic Stress Clinic ( and is co-founder of a specialist Depression and Bipolar Disorder Clinic for young people. On completing his clinical training at the Institute of Psychiatry, he led a UNICEF-funded psychosocial programme for war-affected children in Bosnia. His collaborative research since then has focused on understanding children’s psychological reactions to trauma, and on developing individual and group interventions for traumatised young people. With colleagues and students, he has investigated cognitive models of PTSD in children, and evaluated individual Trauma-Focused CBT for children and young people in randomized controlled trials. Ongoing work with colleagues in Cambridge is evaluating the effect of an adapted TF-CBT for young preschool children with PTSD. He is currently Chair of the Children and War Foundation (, and in this role has helped to develop and evaluate a group intervention for children exposed to war and disasters.
Praktisk information:
Mesterklasserne afholdes på CEKTOS København
Amagerbrogade 114, 1 sal.
2300 Kbh S.
Mere om
Pris for mesterklasser er 2800,- kr. pr dag
(dvs. 5600,- pr. 2 dages workshop).
Prisen inkluderer kaffe, the og vand samt økologisk frokost på Café Madmanifesten
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