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ONLINE ENGLISH Metacognitive Group Therapy, 16:00-18:00 (CET)

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Date and time

Wednesday 23. April 2025 at 16:00 to 18:00

Registration Deadline

Wednesday 23. April 2025 at 15:00


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ONLINE ENGLISH Metacognitive Group Therapy, 16:00-18:00 (CET)

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Senior Psychologist, Cand.Psych.Aut. Tina Bihal

Feel better – faster

At Cektos we specialise in metacognitive therapy to treat mental disorders. We research treatment methods, publish books, educate professionals and treat a wide range of clients using metacognitive therapy.

Metacognitive Therapy is a new way of treating psychological problems.  The therapy is a short-term treatment focusing on minimising certain mental strategies which backfire resulting in symptoms such as anxiety, OCD, PTSD and depression. These strategies primarily consist of overthinking, rumination, threat monitoring and thought-avoidance.

If you are looking for help quickly, we offer group metacognitive therapy programmes which in just six weekly 2-hour sessions provide clients with tools to alleviate symptoms of depression, PTSD, OCD and anxiety.  The particular group metacognitive therapy process has been developed in collaboration with Professor Adrian Wells, University of Manchester UK and the results are outstanding.

During group therapy sessions, you will learn to relate to your thoughts in a different way, which will allow you to spend less time ruminating and worrying. Most people experience that this change improves their overall quality of life by enhancing the ability to focus on meaningful life experiences rather than on symptoms and negative thoughts.
Therapy will be conducted in English. Our online programme enables you to participate from the comfort of your own home, your office or elsewhere, no matter where in the world you live.

Cand.psych.aut. Tina Bihal

Programme dates

Please note all times are in Central European Time (GMT+1) and therefore local time difference should be taken into account.

Wednesday 23th April 2025, 16.00-18.00 (GMT+1)
Tuesday 29th April 2025, 16.00-18.00 (GMT+1)
Tuesday 6th May 2025, 16.0018.00(GMT+1) 
Tuesday 13th May 2025, 16.00-18.00 (GMT+1)
Tuesday 20th May 2025, 16.00-18.00 (GMT+1)
Tuesday 27th May 2025, 16.00-18.00 (GMT+1)

You will receive:

  • 6 weekly 2-hour sessions - altogether 12 hours of therapy.
  • A test, which measures your symptoms throughout the programme, in order for you to monitor your own progress.
  • Your own personal case formulation, providing you with an overview of your own strategies and the solution to your stress, anxiety and depression.
  • An audio file with Attention Training Techniques to help your focus and attention.
  • A plan to help avoid relapse.


The cost of this online group metacognitive programme is 3995 dkr. It is paid through our secure online system at the time of signing up. 

Pia Callens best seller book Live More Think Less presents a radical strategy to take back control of our thinking. Depression and sadness are something we all have the power to overcome.

You can purchase the book on Amazon



I accept the following terms and conditions:

  • My registration is binding and cannot be withdrawn.
  • It is not possible to participate unless the full fee has been paid.
  • If you cancel prior to the start date, we have a cancellation fee of 20% 

  • If you cancel once the treatment course has begun, we will not pay back any of the fee.

  • We take precausions in terms of changes to dates, typing errors, sickness (psychologist) and other unforseen circumstances outwith our control.

  • We run the group with a minimum of 6 participants.


    I hereby consent to Cektos obtaining and treating sensitive information about me. This applies to the storing of my personal information.

    I am obliged to contact CEKTOS, should any changes occur in relation to my name, address, telephone number and email address.

    I am aware that I can edit, delete, alter, block or limit my sensitive data and I am aware that CEKTOS is obliged to keep my records according to Danish health legislation for at least 5 years. 

    I can withdraw my consent to obtain and release information according to the Danish Data Protection Act. (Persondataloven §38).

Organizer Contact Information

CEKTOS - Center for Kognitive Terapier og Supervision
Phone: +45 5573 4849

Organizer Contact Information

CEKTOS - Center for Kognitive Terapier og Supervision
Phone: +45 5573 4849